Consent Preferences

All your key metrics in one place

View the data from twelve different Mindbody reports in one easy-to-use dashboard. Get the insights that you need to grow your studio.
Studio Dashboard: lead funnel conversion rates, active members, cancellations, revenue performance, and class utilization
Executive Dashboard: blended data across multiple locations, filter and group by region, top and bottom portfolio performers easily viewable
Daily Snapshot: trialer activity, absentee members, memberships expiring soon, and member milestones
Clients View: suspensions, LTV, last visits, next visits, engagement score
Dashboard mockup

Automate the mundane

Operational automations built to literally give you back hours of your day

Late Cancels

Hold your members accountable. Separate fees allow you to charge more for no shows vs. late cancels. Let the first one slide — set a Forgivable window for first offences. Automated error reporting means you'll know which charges couldn't be processed

Booking Management

Give equal opportunity for members to train. Remove double bookings — If a member wants to train twice on the same day, the second booking can be a walk-in or same day booking. If spots are available in a class, members will be automatically added in from the waitlist, even within a late cancel window

Class Scheduling

The most efficient way to bulk schedule classes. Do you need to schedule classes for the next month, or 8 weeks out? Set your studio defaults and select the number of weeks to apply the new schedule across the board. Edit a single class, or a whole day, without having to change the scheduled block of classes.

Let's calculate exactly how many leads
you need next month to hit your revenue
growth goal!